Tamil Numerology

Tamil Numerology is often referred as destiny number in other numerology systems. It is an ancient numerology system originated from South India. Tamil Numerology is very simple, yet powerful if you want to know the truth. 

It tells you about your personality, destiny, and strengths with the help of numbers associated with you. People have used it for centuries to understand themselves and their future. If you love numbers and mysteries around it, this is for you.

How to Find Your Tamil Numerology Number

Your Tamil Numerology number is easy to find. You just need to add up the digits in your birth date until you get a single number between 1 to 9.

For example, if you were born on January 5, 1996:

  • January = 1
  • Day = 5
  • Year = 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 25

Now add them together:
1 + 5 + 25 = 31
Reduce again: 3 + 1 = 4

So, your Tamil Numerology number is 4.

Now, let’s see what your number says about you.

Tamil Numerology Numbers and Their Meanings

Each number in Tamil Numerology has a special meaning. It tells you about your nature, talents, and destiny.

Tamil Numerology Number 1

People with Tamil Numerology number 1 stand tall and walk with purpose. They know where they are going, and they do not stop until they reach. These are the leaders who want success at any cost, and work for it passionately. When they see a goal, they chase it endlessly.

They love power, not just having it, but using it well for others. They are natural at taking charge whether it is about handling class, being team leader, or anywhere, they step forward. Others listen and follow such charming leaders believing in them.

They enjoy luxury, fine clothes, good food, the best things in life, they like them and keep working to achieve higher status. 

Tamil Numerology Number 2

These people are very emotional and feel deeply. If they see someone sad, they feel it too. They see someone happy, and they smile too. Their hearts are big, always ready to help people around them.

They are kind as they give without expecting anything in return. But sometimes their moods swing. One day, they are full of joy while the next, they might feel low. 

They understand people as they listen carefully. If you need a friend in your life, find someone with Tamil Numerology number 2.

Tamil Numerology Number 3

Number 3 is associated with the number of wisdom. These people love to learn all the time. They read, listen, ask questions as they believe knowledge is their treasure.

They are also very honest, and speak the truth even when it is hard. People respect them because they don’t pretend and are real. 

They love traditions, old stories, ancient customs, and family values matter to them most. They believe that wisdom comes from the past, and they hold on to it making them unique in their own way.

Tamil Numerology Number 4

These people are steady and don’t do anything without reason. They plan, think and work hard. But they also love adventure and often plan to revisit mountains, deep forests, new cities because they want to see it all. Sitting in one place for too long is not their cup of tea.

People trust them as they are reliable. They keep their promises no matter what. They won’t break hearts and on top of that they never forget birthdays.

They need love and attention but they won’t say it laudly. A few kind words, or even a small thank you means a lot to them.

Tamil Numerology Number 5

They bring energy into a room and lift people up. If something seems impossible, they would say, “Try again.” They don’t give up at all, and they do not let others give up either.

They move fast in life. New places, new faces, new ideas, they love the dynamic speed, change does not scare them as they adapt easily.

They are very health conscious. It leads to a routine where they eat, run, lift believing a strong body makes a strong mind.

Tamil Numerology Number 6

Number 6 people are warm and gentle. They care about family and often put family first. Always. They love deeply and trust easily. They have a very forgiving nature but when they are hurt, they feel it deeply too.

They believe in peace and stay away from fights. They do not like harsh words, loud voices as they prefer harmony and peace over everything.

Tamil Numerology Number 7

These people believe in the unseen and are fond of stars, universe, soul, and many other spiritual things. They believe in something greater than themselves.

They enjoy being alone, not because they dislike people, but because they like constantly thinking. Their minds are full of questions. They won’t say much but when they speak, people listen. If they advise you, remember it as it would help you in life.

Tamil Numerology Number 8

Number 8 people are strong physically and mentally. They won’t quit, if life knocks them down, they bounce back up even stronger. They often think big and take risks. 

They want success and money in life, and for this they are not afraid to work. They see their hard work as a tool to build, grow, and achieve anything in life.

They are competitive in nature and want to win at any cost. They are very practical and don’t waste time on dreams that lead nowhere.

Tamil Numerology Number 9

Number 9 people see the world differently where colors are brighter, music is deeper, and stories are more meaningful. They look at themselves as artists, poets, creators.

They are very kind in nature and often understand people’s struggles. They become the helping hand when someone falls and they listen without judging. Most of all, they find a balance between work and rest which other people struggle to get. 

How is Tamil Numerology Different from Other Systems?

Understand the difference between Tamil Numerology and western numerology with this table:


Tamil Numerology

Western Numerology


South India

Greece & Hebrew

Numbers & Planets

Uses Hindu astrology

Uses Western planetary connections


Destiny & Karma, Personality Traits

Personality traits

Name Importance

Highly important

Less focus on names

Why Should You Learn Tamil Numerology?

Below are the reasons why you should learn Tamil Numerology:

  • Know Yourself Better – It helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Make Smart Choices – It helps you choose the right career, hobbies, and friends that are best as per numerology.
  • Improve Your Life – It helps you find balance and happiness in life.
  • Discover Your Destiny – It gives you an idea of what your future holds for you, so that you can prepare yourself for better or worse.

Tamil Numerology helps you understand who you are and where you are going. So find your number and discover your destiny. If you want to become a certified numerologist in India, you can get an efficient and effective course at All India Institute of Occult Science

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